Myers Way Wetland Restoration Project, 2020 - 2025

Phase 1, in 2020, Weed Warriors removed invasive blackberries from 33,000 square feet wetland.  The pile of blackberry canes and roots was approximately 5,000 cubic feet.
Phase 2, in 2021 - 2022, we removed more blackberry roots, followed by a planting of 350 native wetland trees and shrubs.
Phase 3, in 2023, we continued weed removal and control activities.   Read more about the project HERE.
Phase 4, in 2024 and 2025, we will continue the restoration effort with funding provided by the WaterWorks Council allocated by the King Conservation District Member Jurisdiction Grant with the City of Seattle.  Thank you!

Myers Way Wetland Restoration Project, 2023

Now that the blackberries are removed the native horsetail, a desired wetland plant, is returning. Justin, our project intern from the University of WA, plants Western Red Cedar trees.
Vijay and Kierre are standing in the native horsetail.

We Solarized the New Start Community Garden Infrastructure in 2022!

The garden stage, irrigation system, and greenhouse has solar power, making the garden an Eco-friendly, off-the-grid garden of the future.
Thanks to our partners and funders for this awesome new project:
Port of Seattle's So King County Environmental Fund
King Conservation District
Key Tech Labs
New Start School and Students
Highline School District CTE Group - Career, Technology Education
Coalition for Drug Free Youth
Members of the Community, Like YOU!

In 2023 and 2024, We're Bringing Urban Food Gardening Education Classes to the New Start Community Garden

To Sign-Up for Classes, Contact or visit the garden website at

Mark your Calendar for our Native Plant Fundraisers in 2025!

Native Bushes


Garden Favorites