
Environmental Sciences Scholarships

Thanks to our interns, volunteers, and board members, we fully funded our Environmental Sciences Scholarship program with the Highline Schools Foundation and the Renton Community Foundation! All scholarships are paid directly to the student’s educational institution and may be used for tuition, on-campus housing, books, and fees.All scholarships are paid directly to the student’s educational institution and may be used for tuition, on-campus housing, books, and fees.

If you're interested in coming to our early bird opening, sign up on our Mailchimp email list.

The Nature Steward's Nursery has a variety of Native Plants and Trees.  The Vine Maple,  considered a small tree, is great for urban landscapes.  It's colorful in the Fall and trimmable, so you can keep it contained.  Another favorite is Serviceberry, a bush that provides berries for both humans and wildlife. It blooms in the Spring, and is great for native pollinators.
We have shade plants, sun plants, drought tolerant plants, grounds covers, and ferns.

Here's a list:
Red Flowering Currant, Twinberry, Low and Tall Oregon Grapes, Irises, Ferns, Coastal Strawberries, Nodding Onion, Western Red Columbine, Bleeding Heart, Evergreen Huckleberry, Lilies, Wild Ginger, Mints, Oregano, Honeysuckle, Bear Grass, Fireweed, Cascara, Ocean Spray, Blue Elderberry, Red Elderberry, Douglas Spirea, Oxalis, Sorrel, Fringe Cup, Hardy Oregon Geranium, Oregon Stonecrop, Pacific Ninebark, Pacific Rhododendron, Orange Honeysuckle, Roses, Red Huckleberry, Saxifrage, Salmonberry, Sedums, Snowberry, Thimbleberry, Vine Maple, Native Willow, Shore Pine, Red Osier Dogwood, Mock Orange, Serviceberry, Western May Lily, and MORE….

Contact Grace at 425-228-7927 for information about the fundraiser plant sales.  This fundraiser provides scholarships to high school graduates in the Renton and Highline School Districts who are pursuing an Environmental Sciences Degree at a college or university of their choice.  You can contribute to our scholarship fund by donating or purchasing native plants at our fundraisers.  We appreciate your support!