
How to Volunteer

Sign-up Form with MailChimp

Sign-Up is not Required, but we’d like to know who you are and tell you about future events.  This also helps us to know how many volunteers are attending a project or event so we can bring the right amount of tools.
OR Contact:   Grace@WeedWarriors.us  or Call 425.228.7927 and leave your name, phone number, and event for which you are volunteering.

Find an Event on the Calendar

Find a volunteer event you’d like to attend.
Volunteer opportunities exist with all projects, events and workshops.

Fill Out and Bring with you the Required Volunteer Form

Bring this form to the event with you, which saves time at check-in if the volunteer group is large.  We will have the forms available at check in, too.
If you’ve never planted a tree, watch this video.
How to Plant a Tree.”

What to Wear

For all outdoor projects involving weed removal work, tree planting, habitat restoration, and trail-building, be sure to wear sturdy shoes/boots, work clothing.  You will get dirty! Depending on the weather, you might need to bring rain gear. It’s always a good idea to dress in layers if the sun comes out and the afternoon is warm.  For sunny Summer days, bring sun-screen.

What to Bring (Besides the Volunteer Form)

Bring a bottle of water.  Light snacks are provided. For projects lasting from morning into the afternoon, it is advisable to pack a lunch and bring a water bottle.  In general, for “Boots on the Ground” projects, all work equipment such as shovels, tarps, and rakes are supplied for projects requiring them, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Always check the Calendar to see the time and location, and if other details apply.

“Boots on the Ground” Projects

             Tree Planting and Invasive Weed Removal

Many of our volunteer events include habitat restoration where trees are planted after invasive weeds are removed.
Watch this video of Corey Miller explaining how to properly plant a tree and you’ll be prepared to successfully plant a tree.
Did you know that planting trees is one of the easiest and cheapest way to mitigate climate change and help the planet?

One tree shading a home in the city will save fossil fuel and cut carbon dioxide reducing the “Greenhouse Effect.”
A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at 48 lbs/year and release enough oxygen into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings.
If every American family planted just one tree, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would be reduced by one billion lbs. annually.

Planting trees is one of the most effective means of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Carbon sequestration).